
We provide a number of high-quality services tailored to suit each person.

hands, teamwork, team-spirit

Group Sessions

Our group sessions will include activities built around maintaning the mind and the body.


A diet tailored to your specific needs will be created to ensure that your body receives all the goodness it deserves.

bread, ham, tight max
helping, hands, climbing

1-1 Assistance

We will aid you through the entire journey. We will assist with all problems no matter how big or how small.

We will supply equipment and services surrounding incontinence.

Medication management.

Home and phone checkups (at least once a week or as is required).

Provision Packages (Donations)

We want to help those who are less fortunate.

Whatever is needed (within reason) can be provided on a small scale, these must be over the counter drugs, for example: Paracetamol, Doliprane, etadine, Dressings etc.

Advice will be given after assessing the client’s needs.

Caribbean Map

Location Based

Operation is currently in the following locations: Guadeloupe, Commonwealth of Dominica and St Marteen, 

It is our desire to expand to to additional Caribbean Islands.

Overseas (Visitors & Returning)

We will conduct retreats, have walks to local scenic places and engage in other activities that will help maintain a healthy body.

Accommodation services can be provided to ensure your stay is pleasant and stress free.

stockings, socks, cup


When you need answers from health professionals we will contact them on your behalf and ensure that the information being conveyed is in a clear and concise manner.

We can draft emails/letters on your behalf to ensure that the message is clear and the response favourable.


Here we answer your most asked questions.

We operate in Guadeloupe French West Indies. We do however accept people from all over the world. Please contact us for more information.

To sign up/register plaese contact us and we will provide more information.